Practice Gratitude | Discover the Simple Joys in Life

Practice Gratitude
Are you trying to find joy in your life? Discover the simple joys in life by practicing gratitude every day.

Practice Gratitude

Life is a battle between the chaotic twists and turns and ups and downs continuously happening. However, to remain sane, we need to shift our focus from the whirlwind of chaos to the small everyday joys by practicing gratitude. 

Every day there is something to be grateful for. Some days we are forced to look harder than others to find a simple joy, but it always exists. Even on the toughest days, you can practice gratitude. For example, be grateful you are still breathing and practice gratitude for getting an opportunity to make a difference with each day. Choose to be grateful for the time you had with a loved one instead of dwelling in a mindset of suffering without them. Despite your circumstances, you can find a glimmer of hope, no matter how small, in practicing gratitude.    

Perhaps, during the lowest moments of your life you felt there was nothing to be thankful for and no reason to keep on living. For you, all the good was gone, there was nothing left and no reason remained to chase after happiness. In these dark times, take a look at your heart and mind. Evaluate and examine the contents they hold for the cause of your pain. Determine if rather than everything being wrong with your life, if instead your heart and mind hardened to experiencing the simple joys life has to offer.

The simple joys are what make life worth living. We all understand the big joys- birth, graduations, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, promotions and pay raises, even the big joys list is quite long. However, it doesn’t have to be a life-changing moment to be considered a moment of joy. In fact, simple small joys may leave you feeling more fulfilled than chasing after a big joy. Joy is just a moment. Joy is simply a choice.

In any given moment using the perspective of gratitude, you have the ability to create joy. Make it a goal to choose to find joy and gratitude in the simplest of things every single day and in as many moments as possible. Then, see what happens to the unhappiness, anger, depression when you are discovering opportunities to be thankful for every chance you get. It will be nearly impossible to stay in a negative frame of mind when practicing gratitude is at the center of your life. 

Practicing gratitude is when you stop waiting for joy to come to you and start finding it in everything around you; then, take it one step further to be thankful for what you find. Begin to fill your heart with gratitude and give thanks to God for each blessing, whether it seems big or small.

Decide today to change your entire perspective. Be determined to find joy in life and express gratitude and appreciation for what you have been given despite any shortcomings. 

Unearth the joy in the sun on your skin and breeze through your hair. Perceive gratitude in the sassy personality of your child, because you have another day with them and a moment to teach them. Practice seeking God’s little blessings along with consciously challenging yourself to find at least one thing to be grateful for daily. 

Create joy and gratitude in the mess of your life; this life is the only one we are given, so let’s be determined to make the best of it! It’s time to make the world a more joyful place, as a result of gratitude for the simple joys in life!

Comment below the little things you are grateful for today!

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