Twenty Seconds of Insane Courage | Courage to Start a New Journey

Twenty Seconds of Courage | Courage to Start a New Journey
If you can find twenty seconds of insane courage to start a new journey, you can change your life. If I can do it, you can too!

Twenty Seconds of Insane Courage

All it takes is twenty seconds of insane courage to change your life forever. It sounds so simple yet, feels so tough, and somehow almost always ends up being a worthwhile adventure.

I never thought I would have the courage for what I am doing right now…writing to you. Although I had always felt passionate about encouraging and inspiring others to choose a life they love and to enjoy the journey along the way, I never thought I could actually do it. This moment, right now, in writing and publishing my first post along with the grand adventure of starting this website is a moment of insane courage.

I am laying myself and my hopes and dreams all out on the line. People may tell me I failed, that I am doing it all wrong, that it could be better and should be fixed, but what they don’t know is I’ve already had ALL those thoughts on my own. What they don’t realize is overcoming those thoughts is the exact reason I will never consider this a failure. 

Before now, I had let those thoughts of failing become fears which held me back from pursuing my passions. Now, I still have those fears, but my passion and purpose outweigh the paralysis. I am giving myself grace to live an imperfect life filled with love and adventure and guess what… I’m inviting you to join along too.

Fear will not rule my life as it has in the past. Although the fear will always remain, my passion overwhelms the need to stay safe in a boring bubble missing my purpose in life. It will probably never be easy, but I can already tell it is worth it. Sharing my journey and struggles is my way of reaching out a helping hand to those who resonate with what I share, with the hope it will give them the courage to do the same. If I can face my fears head-on and fight through the self-doubt, then I know you can do it too!

Our journeys of courage will be unique to each of us. No journey of courage can look the same when we each have our battles to face and passions to chase. Follow your dreams and passions, but remember this dream is yours. The passion placed within you is meant to be pursued with purpose, not filled with your fears, doubts, or anyone else’s plan for your life. Take a small step with all the courage you can summon and put it all on the line towards fulfilling your purpose. All it takes is twenty seconds of pushing past your fears to let your insane courage make your dreams come true!

I see a spark inside you which only needs a little courage to ignite. Then, watch as your passion and purpose fuel a fire great enough to brighten the world. You can do this friend! I believe in you and hope during your adventure my story and encouragement provides just enough inspiration to remind you that your life is yours to make great!

Comment below a passion you are wanting pursue! Let’s encourage one another and hold each other accountable!

Twenty Seconds of Courage Quote

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Aesthetic Arrow Exists for You

Aesthetic Arrow Exists for You

Aesthetic Arrow aims to provide you a simple perspective and practical solutions for living a life you enjoy and love. I believe you were created for a purpose and are meant to pursue your passions. While at times life can be tough, you never have to do it alone.

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